127 results for Bates Mill 5 -- Construction

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view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site.... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site, fo... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site, fo... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site, fo... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site, fo... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site, fo... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Site. Re... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Foundati... read morethumbnail
view record Construction of Bates Mill #5 Nyquist-Battie Bates Mill 5 -- Construction — Construction of Bates Mill #5, 1912-1913. Subfloor... read morethumbnail
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