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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | City and County" | Lewiston Weekly Journal June 5 1873, Page 56 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Irish in Lewiston | Maine Historical Society Quarterly Lewiston 325.41 B932i 1972, Page 21 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Land Rent, 1854-1856 | Lewiston Water Power Co. Franklin Papers, Vol. No. 7, Page 21,33,42,48 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Lewiston City Affairs | Lewiston Evening Journal April 21, 1874, Page 3 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Lewiston Memories: A Bicentennial Pictorial | Hodgkin, Douglas I. Maine 974.12 L677ho, Page 156 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Lewiston Water Power Co. | Payroll Accounts Vol. 5 July 1, 1854 - Sept. 1856, Page 140,149 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Lincoln Mill Pay Roll, 1846-1854 | Franklin Papers Lewiston Water Power Co, Vol. No. 4, Page 337,343,350,356,362 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Payroll for Lewiston Water Power Co. 1851-1853 | Lewiston Water Power Co. Franklin Papers,Lew. Water Co. V.6, Page 1,24,96,147,151 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Real Estate | Lewiston Evening Journal 3-14-1874, Page p. 3 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Record of Licenses granted 1872-1880 | LEWISTON 352.8 L677l, Page 1879 | Marshall, Patrick | x | |
view record | Record of the Names of Foreigners with the Dates of their Naturlaization | Lewiston 323.623/L677n 1855-1872, Page 1 | Marshall, Patrick | x |
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