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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | City of Lewiston Records of Ward 7 | Record of Ward 7 1878-1891 Lewiston 324.2422 L677Z 1878-1891, Page 3-3-1879 | Kelleher, L. | x | |
view record | Provost Marshal's Office | Lewiston Evening Journal Aug 14 1863, Page 3 | Kelleher, Laurence | x | |
view record | Record of Licenses granted 1872-1880 | LEWISTON 352.8 L677l, Page 1879 | Kelleher, Laurence | x | |
view record | Record of the Names of Foreigners with the Dates of their Naturlaization | Lewiston 323.623/L677n 1855-1872, Page 10 | Kelleher, Laurence | x |
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