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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | Bicentennial of Lewiston 1795-1995 Doc 120 | Doc 120 Doc 120, Page 2,30,33 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Jenkins Reveals his personal side | Lewiston Sun Journal Oct. 30, 1995, Page 1, 7A | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Lewiston Memories: A Bicentennial Pictorial | Hodgkin, Douglas I. Maine 974.12 L677ho, Page 171 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Lewiston's Mayor, John Jenkins, still stands out | Maine Times, August 11, 1995 Doc 83, Page 8-9 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Newsweek, February 14, 1994,p.42-45 | Doc 16, Page 44 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Press Release | Press Release DOC 155, Page 1 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Record of the Names of Foreigners with the Dates of their Naturlaization | Lewiston 323.623/L677n 1855-1872, Page 20 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Records of Certificates, Lewiston Waterpower Co. 1845-1857 | Franklin Company Papers Collection Lewiston Water Power Co. Vol.No.3, Page 47 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Tara Kaileigh, Our 1998 Woman of the Year | DOC 159, Page DOC 159 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | The Bicentennial of Lewiston Celebrating 200 Years on the Mighty Androscoggin | Sun-Journal Sunday Jul 2 1995, Page 2,30 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Welcome to Lewiston and Auburn | Lewiston Sun-Journal Aug 19 1994, Page 3 | Jenkins, John | x | |
view record | Welcome to Lewiston and Auburn | Lewiston Sun-Journal Aug 18 1995, Page 3 | Jenkins, John | x |
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