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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | Birds Eye View of Trolley Routes in New England | Doc 131, Page DOC 131 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Freeport still talking - If the Lewiston, Brunswick & Bath Road is not built | Lewiston Evening Journal Jan. 10, 1900, Page 11 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Freeport's loss | Lewiston Evening Journal January 9, 1900, Page 10 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Lewiston Memories: A Bicentennial Pictorial | Hodgkin, Douglas I. Maine 974.12 L677ho, Page 23, 28, 38 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Maine's Fast Electric Railroad: Portland-Lewiston Interurban | LEWISTON 385.5C 971e 1967, Page 1-88 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Most Remarkable Trolley Bridge in New England (photo) | DOC 97, Page 51 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Trolleys to Augusta, Maine | Doc 131, Page 1-53, 407-411 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | Union Water Power Co. Letters | Union Water Power Co. Franklin Co. Papers Vol. 1, Page 69-71 | Electric Railroads | x | |
view record | What Lewiston was like in 1795 | Lewiston Evening Journal July 4, 1895, Page 2 | Electric Railroads | x |
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