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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | 10th Maine Regiment List, Capt. William Knowlton | Lewiston Daily Evening Journal May 2 1863, Page 2 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Civil War | Doc 71, Page Doc 71 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Company F Enjoying their Thanksgiving dinner sent them by friends at Lewiston | Lewiston Evening Journal November 26, 1902, p.9, Page 9 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Lewiston Water Power Co. | Payroll Accounts Vol. 5 July 1, 1854 - Sept. 1856, Page 60 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Local News | Lewiston Daily Evening Journal 5-2-1863, Page 2 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Record of Mortgages from Sept 19, 1854 to Jan 14, 1857 | Vol 4, Page 361,440 | Butler, Edward S. | x | |
view record | Records of Certificates, Lewiston Waterpower Co. 1845-1857 | Franklin Company Papers Collection Lewiston Water Power Co. Vol.No.3, Page 68 | Butler, Edward S. | x |
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