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Title | Type | Source | Subject/Description | Preview | |
view record | Auburn Industries | Lewiston Evening Journal 4-27-1876, Page 3 | Auburn Businesses | x | |
view record | 50,000 Mops for Navy Furnished by Auburn Brush Co. | Lewiston Journal Jul 13, 1918, Page DOC 132 | Businesses | x | |
view record | City & County | Lewiston Evening Journal 3-25-1876, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | City & County | Lewiston Evening Journal 10-18-1876, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | City and County | Lewiston Evening Journal 9-30-1874, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Industrial Statistics for Lew./ Aub., for Jan. 1877 | Lewiston Evening Journal 3-5-1877, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Leading Business Men of Maine, No. 31 | Lewiston Journal Magazine Section Jan. 6-11, 1900, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Lewiston and Auburn's Central Business District | Lewiston/Auburn Central Bus. Dist. Doc #132, Page 1-12 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Lewiston Retail Markets Review | Lewiston Evening Journal Feb 19 1868, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Manufacturing Androscoggin County | Lewiston Evening Journal Oct 26 1869, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Nouvelles des Etats-Unis - Lewiston: Enterprises canadienns | Le Messager September 22, 1881, Page 3 | Businesses | x | |
view record | Nouvelles des Etats-Unis - Lewiston: Enterprises canadienns | Le Messager September 22, 1881, Page 3 | Franco-American Businesses, Lewiston, ME 1881 | x |
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