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view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — entrance to Senator White's house in Auburn... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — entrance to Senator White's house in Auburn - gara... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — view of part of a porch area of Senator White's ho... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — entry and driveway to Senator White's house... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — gables of Senator White's house... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — garage and driveway of Senator White's house... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — gray clapboard two-storey house... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — pillars on a gray clapboard two-storey house... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — Senator White's house I... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — walkway leading to porch and entrance to Senator W... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — house on Laurel Avenue, New Auburn... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — steps and entrance to house on Laurel Avenue, New ... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — Victoria style house on Laurel Avenue, New Auburn... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — driveway to a house on Laurel Avenue, New Auburn... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — cupola on the Holman Day house on the corner of Go... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — yard and walkway to a white clapboard house with b... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — white clapboard house with black shutters in West ... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — Wedgewood Drive residence of Florence Gremlen or G... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — West Auburn home - two-storey clapboard... read morethumbnail
view record Gridley Barrows slide collection Auburn - Residential - Downtown — red brick Victorian style house... read morethumbnail
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