- Smith, N.D.
- Smith, Nancy
- Smith, Nancy E.
- Smith, Nathaniel B.
- Smith, Neila
- Smith, Olive S.
- Smith, Orland
- Smith, Orville
- Smith, Parker Mrs.
- Smith, Peter
- Smith, Philip
- Smith, Ralph
- Smith, Rena
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Rosanna
- Smith, Roscoe, Dr.
- Smith, S. E.
- Smith, S.W.
- Smith, Samuel
- Smith, Sarah
- Smith, Sean
- Smith, Seth
- Smith, Seth E.
- Smith, Sharon
- Smith, Sherwood
- Smith, Sidney
- Smith, Simon
- Smith, St. John
- Smith, Stephen
- Smith, T.H.
- Smith, T.P.
- Smith, Thomas
- Smith, Timothy
- Smith, Walter H.
- Smith, William
- Smith, William J.
- Smith, Willis
- Smith, Winfield
- Smith, Winnie B.
- Smiths Business School
- Smullen, Laurence
- Smullen, Thomas
- Snell, Maria B.
- Snell, Marie
- Snell, Moses
- Snell, Royal
- Snell, Royal T. (formerly of Lewiston)
- Snell, Stilman
- Snow Shoe Club of New England
- Snow, Capt. Harrison
- Snow, Ebenezer
- Snow, Ellen
- Snow, Freddy
- Snow, H.
- Snow, Hiram
- Snow, J.C.
- Snow, J.C., Rev.
- Snow, John
- Snow, Laura
- Snow, Louis
- Snow, Mary E.
- Snow, Mr., Rev.
- Snow, Officer
- Snow, Rev.
- Snow, Rev. J.C.
- Snow, Rev. Mr.
- Snow, Rosa S.
- Snow, W.,
- Snowe, Olympia J.
- Snowman, Serepta
- Snowshoers
- Socatean Club
- Social and Literary Guild
- Social Institutions
- Social Philanthropic Club
- Social Settlement
- Social Workers Club
- Societe Blanchet & Durocher
- Societe Canadaienne de construction de Lewiston
- Societe des Dames de Ste. Anne
- Societe des Defenseurs de Saint Nom de Jesus
- Societe Historique Franco-Americaine
- Societe L'Assomption
- Societe Saint Vincent de Paul
- Societe St. Jean Baptist
- Societe Ste. Famille
- Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals -- Auburn (ME)
- Society Hall
- Society of Friends
- Society of Mayflower Descendents
- Society of the Sisters of Charity
- Soeurs de la Charite de Saint Hyacinthe
- Sokokis Tribe
- Solar Eclipses, Maine
- Soldier Relief Committee
- Soldiers and Sailors of Androscoggin County
- Soldiers Monument--Lewiston (ME)
- Soldiers Relief Society
- Solomon Parsons and Son
- Somerset Shoe Co.
- Somerton, Mr.
- Somerton, Mrs.
- Somes, D.
- Songo Shoe Co.
- Sons of Temperance
- Sopei, Pierre
- Soper, William
- Sorensen, Astrid Hartman-
- Sorosis Club
- Sotirion, Nick
- Soucie, Alfred
- Soucy, Artemise
- Soucy, Cecile
- Soucy, Edmond
- Soucy, Jane
- Soucy, Leo
- Soucy, Lorette
- Soucy, Peter
- Soucy, Sandra K.
- Soule, A.E.
- Soule, Al Mrs.
- Soule, Alfred B.
- Soule, Ashbury
- Soule, Ashbury E.
- Soule, B.F.
- Soule, Benjamin
- Soule, Charles H.
- Soule, Cordelia
- Soule, F.A.
- Soule, George
- Soule, Lillian
- Soule, Sampson
- Sous-Comite de la Survivance Francaise
- Soutar, Arch
- Soutar, Winston A.
- South Ferry
- South Lewiston Church
- South Lewiston Free Baptist
- South Main Street Lewiston
- Southard, C. A.
- Southern Maine Area Agency on Aging
- Southgate, John
- Southpark Industrial Park
- Sovetsky, Helen
- Spalding, Albert
- Spalding, William
- Spanish American War
- Sparks Building
- Sparks, Sadie
- Sparks, William
- Sparsam, Lawrence
- Sparsam, Marie
- Sparsam, Oswald
- Spates, George
- Spates, Rufus
- Spaulding and Gerrish Co.
- Spaulding, Ames
- Spaulding, Edward
- Spaulding, John
- Spaulding, John R.
- Spaulding, Mrs.
- Spaulding, Rose
- Spear and Webster
- Spear, Annis
- Spear, Caroline
- Spear, Cass
- Spear, Christopher
- Spear, Eva
- Spear, Olivia
- Spears, Charles
- Speedway Sleds
- Speer, Richard
- Speers, William
- Spellane, Maurice
- Spellin, Maurice
- Spellman, John
- Spencer, D.
- Spencer, Delia
- Spencer, G. O.
- Spencer, H.T.
- Spencer, Henry
- Spencer, Irma
- Spencer, Peter
- Spencer, William
- Spencer, William (Vietnam)
- Spenser, Joshua A.
- Sperlazzi, Jane
- Sperry, Samuel
- Spicer, W. J.
- Spieler, Morris
- Spieler, Mrs.
- Spillaine, Morris
- Spillane, Kate
- Spillane, Thomas
- Spiller, Harlan Co.
- Spillin, Maurice
- Spindle and Flye Works Co.
- Spinney, Eddie
- Spinney, Lina
- Spinney, Milan