- Morton, Bradley
- Morton, Charles
- Morton, Eugenia
- Morton, Hall and Rounds, Inc.
- Morton, Ham, and Tarbox Grain Mills
- Morton, Patricia
- Morton, Pearl
- Morton, Philip Mrs.
- Moseley, Alva G.
- Moseley, Ellen
- Moseley, Phineas
- Mosely, Clara E.
- Mosely, Orlando P.
- Moser, Thomas
- Moses Harris Co.
- Moses House
- Moses, Galen
- Moses, K.
- Moses, Kirk, Capt.
- Mosher, Charlie E.
- Mosher, Horace
- Mosher, Roy
- Moskois Family
- Moskouakos Family
- Moskouis Family
- Moskous Family
- Moskovis, Penelope
- Mothon, Alexandre L.
- Mothon, Alexandre Louis, Father
- Mothon, Louis
- Mothon, Louis Alexandre
- Mothon, P. (Rev.)
- Mothon, Rev. Father, O.P.
- Mottram, -- Mr. (male chorus of the Androscoggin Musical Society)
- Mottram, George
- Mottram, George, Mr. Mrs.
- Mottram, James
- Mottram, John
- Mottram, John W.
- Mottram, Kimberly A.
- Mottram, Peter
- Mottram, Sammie
- Mottram, Samuel
- Motyl, Wanda
- Moulton, -- Miss
- Moulton, Alden
- Moulton, Arthur
- Moulton, Chuck
- Moulton, D.P.
- Moulton, Daniel
- Moulton, George
- Moulton, Jeremiah
- Moulton, Joel
- Moulton, John W.
- Moulton, Julia Hatch
- Moulton, K.
- Moulton, L.H.
- Moulton, Lucy
- Moulton, Lucy A.
- Moulton, Maynard
- Moulton, Rosanna
- Moulton, Rosanna P.
- Moulton, S.W.
- Moulton, Solon
- Moulton, Walter
- Moulton, Willie
- Moultons Drug Store
- Mount Apatite
- Mount Auburn Cemetary
- Mount David
- Mountain Valley Training
- Mountford, Mr.
- Mountfort, Ellen
- Mountfort, Hannah
- Mountfort, Mary
- Mountfort, Paulina
- Mountfort, Sarah
- Mountfort, Vincent
- Mountfort, Vincent C.
- Mounttort, A. & H.
- Mousette, Alfred
- Mousseau, Marie
- Moving houses about town
- Mower, A. P.
- Mower, Aaron
- Mower, Angeline
- Mower, Anna
- Mower, Archie
- Mower, Dora
- Mower, E. S.
- Mower, Frank
- Mower, Harrison
- Mower, Josiah
- Mower, Lincoln
- Mower, Mary
- Mower, N.L.
- Mower, Roilyn
- Mower, Roselyn
- Mower, Thomas
- Mower, Thomas O., Jr.
- Moxie Beverage
- Moxie, Almira
- Moynihan, Lewis
- Mr. Bernard's School of Hair Fashion
- Mr. Richard's Hair Styling Academy
- Mrs. Coleman's
- Mt. Apatite - Auburn, ME
- Mt. David
- Mt. David Shakespeare Club
- Mt. David, Applesass and Goff Hill
- Mt. Mica Mine
- Mt. Olivet Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star
- Mulalby, Pierce
- Mulder, Ron
- Muldoon, Shelley
- Mulholland, Amy E.
- Mullally, Pierce
- Mullaly, Pierce
- Mullaney, P. E.
- Mullen, Cheryl
- Mullen, John
- Mullen, Scott
- Mulleney, C.J.
- Mullens, Jason
- Mullens, Joseph
- Muller, J. Mrs.
- Muller, S. W.
- Mulligan, John
- Mullion, Antoine
- Mulqueeny, Michael
- Mulqueeny, Thonas
- Mulready, Robert
- Multaley, Pierce
- Multi-Purpose Center
- Mulvey, John
- Muncy, Michael
- Mundy, Talbot
- Munger, Charles A.
- Munger, Charles L.
- Municipal Court, Lewiston ME
- Municipal lighting -- Auburn(ME)
- Munkittrick, Bush
- Munroe House
- Munroe Shoe Co.
- Munroe, Horace
- Munroe, James
- Munroe, James and Co.
- Munroe, Lizzie B.
- Munroe, Nelson
- Munroe, Noble
- Munroe, Packard and Linscott
- Munroe, W.
- Munroe, W.N.
- Munroe, Willard Jr. Mrs.
- Munroe, Willard Mrs.
- Munsey, Frank Andrew
- Munson, Esther G., Mrs.
- Mural So. Main St. Auburn
- Murch, Albert L.
- Murch, Blanche
- Murch, Robert
- Murch, T.W.
- Murch, Thomas
- Murch, Winnie
- Murch, Winnifred
- Murder
- Murder -- Lewiston (ME)
- Murdock, Hattie M.
- Murhphy, J.P.
- Murnane, Edmund
- Murphy Fur Co.
- Murphy Granite
- Murphy Hat Shop
- Murphy, --,
- Murphy, Bartley
- Murphy, Bernard
- Murphy, Bernard, Jr.
- Murphy, D. E.
- Murphy, D. Jerome Mrs.
- Murphy, Daniel
- Murphy, Daniel C.
- Murphy, Delia
- Murphy, Dennis
- Murphy, Edward Mrs.
- Murphy, Elizabeth
- Murphy, Ellen
- Murphy, Frank
- Murphy, Helene
- Murphy, Honora
- Murphy, J.
- Murphy, J.F.
- Murphy, Jackie
- Murphy, James
- Murphy, Jere
- Murphy, Jeremiah
- Murphy, Jeremiah J.
- Murphy, Jerre
- Murphy, Jerry
- Murphy, Joanna
- Murphy, Johanna